posted: 15.10.2020 07:22

World Students' Day

Today we celebrate World Students’ Day. And what a better way to do it then to ask students why did they choose their fields of study.

Dragica Marić – University of Mostar, Faculty of Economics 

Six years ago, I stepped into the classroom 111, thrilled and scared to death – at the same time. “Welcome to the Faculty of Economics,” they said. It was a challenge for me, and I needed time to catch up with the new system, get to know a new environment, and prioritise my obligations. And now, one step from a university diploma, I have to go again into the new cold world. Still, I am not worried because we can be the change we want to see in the world. So, dear colleagues, I wish you happy World Students’ Day. We should never forget that all of us have great potential and we shouldn’t be afraid to dream big.

Magdalena Zelenika – University of Mostar, Faculty of Philosophy

Speech therapy is my call. I wanted to educate my self in the field that will allow me to help kids. As a future speech therapist, I will be able to give support to kids with a speech problem. Speech therapy is a cornerstone in further development and improvement of overall quality of life in everyday situations. It is essential to find yourself in whatever you do and to understand the impact of it. As future experts, we are going to be an important factor in someone’s development. We communicate since our birth and the ability to speak define us. All speech and hearing difficulties affect almost all aspects of life, and speech therapists are there to overcome the challenges.  

Speech therapists are motivators, friends to children, and educator to parents. It is necessary to raise the awareness of this vocation – our job is to help kids build self-confidence and gain a new set of skills. For all future students: willingness to help, have compassion and understanding are what you need as a future speech therapist. 

Matea Cvitanović – University of Mostar, The Faculty of Science and Education

I always knew I wanted to do something that will improve the quality of life and education for children and adults. I’ve found that here at the Faculty of Science and Education. Pedagogy has an essential role within the education system and beyond. By doing our job, we are able to direct a person to reach its full potential. 

My school, with exceptional and kind expert staff, is a perfect place for all future students. 

Marin Bevanda – University of Mostar, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Computing and Electrical Engineering

I study at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Computing and Electrical Engineering. Since I was a child, I was amazed by computers – click here, click there on that file to see what will happen. During my high school education, I haven’t changed. We were introduced to hardware and my colleagues from high school, and I started a startup where we combined hardware and software. IT is what I do – I love it.

Luka Vučina –  University of Mostar, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Computing and Electrical Engineering

I am the third year of IT School at the University of Mostar. I believe that IT sector is the most promising one in our country and region; thus I have chosen this college. The university degree is not enough to prepare you for the labour market. You should always find a way to educate yourself and invest in knowledge.